Class RCS

public class RCS extends Object
RCS (Remote Commander Server) is a server that allows clients to execute commands on the server's machine.
  • Constructor Summary

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static void
    Checks if the "server_files" directory exists, if not, then creates it and fills it with 3 files .txt with "Hello World!" inside.
    static void
    Checks that the "logs" folder exists, if not, then creates it.
    static void
    checkServerArgs(String[] arguments)
    Check the arguments introduced by the user.
    static void
    main(String[] args)
    Main method of the server.
    static void
    Runs a "normal" server.
    static void
    Runs an SSL Server.
    static void
    Starts and configure the logger for the server.
    static void
    Starts the server.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

    • RCS

      public RCS()
  • Method Details

    • main

      public static void main(String[] args)
      Main method of the server.
      args - Arguments introduced by the user.
    • checkServerArgs

      public static void checkServerArgs(String[] arguments)
      Check the arguments introduced by the user.
      arguments - Arguments introduced by the user.
    • startServer

      public static void startServer()
      Starts the server.
    • runNormalServer

      public static void runNormalServer()
      Runs a "normal" server.
    • runSSLServer

      public static void runSSLServer()
      Runs an SSL Server.
    • startLogger

      public static void startLogger()
      Starts and configure the logger for the server.
    • checkLogsFolder

      public static void checkLogsFolder()
      Checks that the "logs" folder exists, if not, then creates it.
    • checkFilesDirectory

      public static void checkFilesDirectory()
      Checks if the "server_files" directory exists, if not, then creates it and fills it with 3 files .txt with "Hello World!" inside.